Event Organizer

Erik Ziedses des Plantes

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Building Inclusive Teaching Environments at UD - A Teaching & Inclusive Excellence Event

Celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day on Monday, Oct. 14 by exploring innovative practices and strategies that foster inclusivity and create a supportive campus environment. Be inspired by brief talks showcasing how UD is becoming a place where everyone feels valued and empowered to grow together. Drop in as you are able 9 to 11 a.m. in the Scholars' Commons (Roesch Library - Room 245). Light refreshments will be served.

Our schedule is as follows:

Opening Remarks:
Matt Shaw (Dean, University Libraries)
Tiffany Taylor (Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion)
Andy Reza (Engagement & Belonging Specialist, Multi-Ethnic Education & Engagement Center)

Julio Quintero (Office of Diversity & Inclusion)
Lis Regula (College of Arts & Sciences: Biology)


"Embracing Neurodiversity"
by Esther Brownsmith (College of Arts And Sciences: Religious Studies)

Embracing neurodiversity means recognizing and welcoming the full spectrum of ways of interacting with the world as a source of richness, not just a hurdle to overcome. Disability accommodations are only the start; faculty can overtly make the classroom a safer space for all students by proactively shaping their syllabus, adjusting classroom expectations and interactions, and preparing themselves for some of the common issues that may arise in a neurodiverse environment.

"Understanding and Supporting Non-Binary Students"
by Anya Galli-Robertson (College of Arts and Sciences: 
Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work / ODI)
This presentation provides an overview of non-binary gender identities, pronouns, and best practices for making our classrooms inclusive for students beyond the binary.

"Alternative to Transformative: Opportunities to Teach Citizenship and Social Justice through Digital Assignments"
by Liz Grauel (University Libraries: Digital Pedagogy Librarian)
Podcasts, blogs, videos, websites, and similar technology-enabled coursework and projects are gaining traction on campus. Frequently emerging as ‘alternative assignments’ to augment or replace the more traditional research paper, the integration of digital technologies can enhance student engagement while achieving course learning objectives. But we have the ability to go beyond substitution. This presentation will share strategies for helping students understand the human, cultural, and societal dimensions of digital technologies - and their roles as consumers, creators, and communicators on campus and in their communities - as secondary learnings outcome of digital assignments.

"Centering Equity While Engaging with Student Researchers"
by Leah L. Ward (Director - Women's Center)

Over the 2023-2024 academic year, I worked with a group of undergraduate students as they engaged in the qualitative Culturally Engaging Campus Environment Survey (CECE) data. This conversation will center ways that I centered equity during the coding process.

"Sentipensante and Trauma-Informed Pedagogy Across Disciplines"
by Jason Wardell (University Libraries - Health & Life Sciences Librarian)

Sentipensante (sensing/thinking) pedagogy is a critical framework to highlight the lived expertise and intuition of students. In this presentation, the pedagogy will be complicated with trauma-informed pedagogy to present a practical and personal approach to classroom interaction from the perspective of library instruction.

"Building Bridges: Fostering Inclusivity and Intercultural Competency in Engineering Education"
by Khalid Zouhri (School of Engineering: Engineering Management, Systems & Technology)

I will share my experience incorporating inclusive and diversity-focused teaching strategies into an engineering course through a hands-on truss bridge project. I will discuss how I enhanced student-student and student-faculty interactions by forming diverse learning groups, facilitating inclusive peer feedback sessions, and providing structured opportunities for constructive communication.

I will highlight the use of intercultural competencies to improve collaboration and communication during technical activities, including problem-solving sessions and 3D modeling with SolidWorks. The presentation will showcase how these strategies helped students integrate diverse perspectives into the design process, build critical thinking skills, and prepare for diverse, inclusive workplaces. Attendees will learn practical approaches to fostering inclusivity and equity in their own classrooms, creating a supportive environment where every student can thrive.

Q&A with presenters.

Monday, October 14, 2024
9:00am - 11:00am
Scholars Commons